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  • December 15, 2018

    US- Turkey Strategic rivalry in Syria and its effects on the future...

    Karzan Omar Ali Assistant Lecturer at College of Political Sciences – University of Sulaimani. Journal for Political and Security Studies – Issue 2 – Vol.1 Keywords: Syrian crisis, military interventions, rivalry, Islamic State, Kurds, PYD. https://doi.org/10.31271/jopss.10014 Abstract This paper will focus on the influence of international forces in the Syrian conflict,...

  • December 15, 2018

    Towards a new vision of international terrorism

    Assist. Prof. Dr. Najda Sabri Ismail Professor and General Director of the Directorate of Research and Development at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq. Journal for Political and Security Studies – Issue 2 – Vol.1 Keywords: Terrorism, Terrorist Groups, Violence, Political Process....

  • November 19, 2018

    The Future of Kirkuk Between Erbil and Baghdad

    Researchers: Dr. Omed Rafiq Fatah Dr. Abid Khalid Rasul Dr. Zimkan Ali Salim Dr. Jalal Hasan Mistaffa Dr. Hardi Mahdi Mika Edited Translation by: Shkow Sherzad Abdul-Hafiz A joint Research project by the (Centre for Future Studies) and the (Legal and Political Studies Center at the University of Sulaimani) Report...

  • July 6, 2018

    Iraq’s Future in the Light of the Recent Political and Security Developments...

    Hisham al-Hashmi (Interview) Keywords: Iraq, Politics, Security Development https://doi.org/10.31271/jopss.10006 مستقبل العراق في ضوء التطورات السياسية والأمنية الأخيرة This interview with Hisham al-Hashmi was conducted in Baghdad on March 14, 2018, by Dr.Zmkan Ali Saleem. Al-Hashmi is Baghdad based security and political researcher and analyst. Dr Saleem is a researcher and

  • July 6, 2018

    The Kurds in Iraq: Problem and Solution Attempts

    Dr. Jalal Hasan Mistaffa                       Keywords: Kurds, Federalism, Iraqi governments https://doi.org/10.31271/jopss.10005 الكورد في العراق: المشكلة ومحاولات الحل ملخص البحث إن تأریخ الکورد في العراق حافل بالمشاکل المتعلقة بعدم تمثیلهم العادل في مؤسسات صناعة القرار في المرکز و عدم إدارتهم لشؤونهم في

  • June 24, 2018

    شروط وقواعد النشر في هذه المجلة

    - تنشر المجلة بحوث رصينة لم يسبق نشرها في مجالات العلوم السياسة والأمنية. - تقبل البحوث المكتوبة باللغات الكوردية والعربية والانجليزية، ويتحمل الباحث تقويمها من الناحية اللغوية. - يشترط ألاّ يكون البحث مستلاً من رسالة ماجستير أو اطروحة دكتوراه للباحث أو المشرف او جزءاً من كتاب سبق نشره. - الإلتزام بأصول البحث العلمي...

  • June 24, 2018

    Journal’s Editorial Body ———————————————- هيئة تحرير المجلة

    Journal’s Legal Owner: –  Center for Future Studies  صاحب الإمتياز: –  مركز الدراسات المستقبلية Editor in Chief: –  Assist. Prof. Dr. Abid K. Rasul  رئيس التحرير: –  أ.م. د. عابد خالد رسول Editor: –  Dr. Hardi M. Meka مدير التحرير: –  م.د. هەردى مهدي ميكه Editorial Board: – Assist. Prof. Dr. Omed R. Fatah – Assist. Prof.

  • March 27, 2018

    Journal for Political and Security Studies – Vol.1 – Issue 1

    An accredited journal issued by the Center for Future Studies, Is a non-governmental center licensed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the KRG-Iraq ISSN: 2617-0930 (Online), ISSN: 2617-0949 (Print) DOI: https://doi.org/10.31271/jopss Email: [email protected] Volume 1 – Issue 1, June 2018 List of Contents Dr. Yusuf Goran An Academic...

  • August 28, 2017

    Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan: Heading Toward Confrontation

    Dr. Zmkan A. Saleem Original publisher’s link  The Islamic Republic of Iran and the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq maintain cordial relations, and the two neighbors have publicly cooperated in battling the Islamic State (IS). However, this might change soon. The authorities in Tehran are increasingly frustrated with the Kurdish...

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